Home » 2012 » February » 21 » MORE STORAGE
-Key and Lock: Capable of a 4 digit combination and usable on most variants. -Locksmith Workbench: Configures the 4 digit combinations. -Safe: Made from 4 obsidian and a chest. Naturally blast proof. -Locker: Made from 4 iron ingots and a chest. Place a locker above another to make a dual locker. -Cabinet: Made from 4 wood and a chest. No special abilities. -Glass Cabinet: Made from 2 glass, 2 wood, and a chest. This cabinet has glass doors instead. -Shelf Tower: Made from 3 iron on each side and a chest in the middle. Keep stacking until you don't need anymore space or hit the sky. -Gold Safe: Made from 4 gold ingots around an obsidian safe. Breaking it allows transportation of it's contents. -Warehouse Crate: Made like a chest but the top is made of 3 logs.
Category: Mods |
Views: 1393 |
Added by: fearas38
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