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Comes Alive (Version 1.7.10)
17.04.2016, 19:55


Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) mod aims to give the original villagers an expanded use within the game.

In General

  • Villagers are no longer loud and obnoxious “caveman squidwards.” MCA replaces them with male or female humans!
  • Villagers can be interacted with. You can trade like normal, but you can also talk to them, tell them a joke, give them gifts, etc. Interactions build relationships, which eventually allows you to get married to the villager of your choosing.
  • You may have children with the villager that you marry. Children can do chores such as farming, fishing, mining, woodcutting, and hunting. Over time, children will grow up into adults who can get married and have children of their own.
  • You can also get married to and have children with other players via SMP and LAN!

In Depth

  • Modders have access to an API that will allow their own mods to interact with MCA.
  • MCA contains over 2,000 lines of dialogue, translated into 20+ languages.
  • There are over 250 different skins possible for male and female villagers.
  • You can add your own skins or dialogue to the mod quite easily.
  • Thirteen new villager professions are added.
  • Your spouse can be instructed to cook food for you.
  • Villagers have moods and personalities which determine how easy they are to get along with.
  • Villagers’ moods change throughout the day.
    Villagers will teleport to their home and go to sleep at night.
  • Villagers can be hired to do their respective jobs for the player for a certain amount of time. You can hire your own personal farmer or bodyguard!
    Children gain experience from doing each chore and can unlock perks that allow them to perform the chore better or faster.
  • You can set a villager’s home point, which determines where they will spawn at nighttime.
  • Villagers have variable heights, meaning one may be taller or shorter than the other.
  • You can get engaged to a villager in order to unlock special gifts from surrounding villagers.


Category: Mods | Added by: fearas38
Views: 1580 | Downloads: 37 | Rating: 0.0/0
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