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Home » 2012 » March » 14 » WILD GRASS

I have finally update to 1.0.0 Thank you all for your support and patience. 
A few things to note, right now I only have the regular wild grass updated right now. No modloader version or other things your used to.
 I will be adding these sometime. I will also be adding the "reset" version soon as well.


WildLillies: based off of Notch's lilies. Basically just adding "flower" capabilities to them
Biome Flowers: everything you remember and once loved.
WildVines: Based of Notch's vines, but not sure how I want to implement yet. Will be simple, not complex.
Modloader version, and maybe others depending on what you request. 
Visual change to Notch's tall grass. Maybe even a "removal" mod. I dont know


This mod creates a wild grass block that grows on top of existing grass blocks.
Once a wild grass block has grown, it will start spreading to nearby blocks, growing taller as it does.
This really softens up the harsh edges of grassy hills and even thought it is a simple mod, it really enhances the feel of the game a lot. It gives it an almost low graphic "Oblivion" type of environment feel.

This does not effect the "Tall Grass" block that Notch made in any way. You will notice it looks rather nice having two different types of grass growing in the game.

When the game is first loaded, grass will pop up very frequently. This should only last a few minutes. This was so that I did not have to modify the chunk loader.


Risugami's Modloader

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  • Non-Invasive: will not destroy save files after unloading.
  • This mod, and all updates, are designed to not have any new blocks, in order to keep your saves safe.
  • Growing Grass: grass will spread and grow taller
  • Biome Compatible: Grass is color adjusted for biomes
  • Hoes can harvest grass, making it shorter until it is soil. Happy Mowing.
  • Flowers become lily pads when placed in water! They also spawn near reeds.
  • Flowers have custom graphics for specific biome.
  • Flowers have custom graphics when planted in sand.
  • Vines grow in trees in hot and humid areas. Vines produce and can be planted with reeds.a
Category: Mods | Views: 1513 | Added by: fearas38 | Rating: 4.0/1
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