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Home » 2012 » February » 6 » The Aether 1.7.3
The Aether 1.7.3
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- Dungeon Rewards are now hidden in TooManyItems by default. However, if people would like to spawn them for any reason, you can now disable the hiding code for the rewards by changing "TMIhidden = true" to "TMIhidden = false" in mod_Aether.cfg file. This file can be found in your /.minecraft/config/ folder. DO NOT change "#TMIhidden (boolean:true)" as this will not actually affect the config file, and immediately resets upon opening Minecraft. Instead, change "TMIhidden = true".

- Completely restructured Sound files for the Aether.

- When riding a saddled Moa, a "Jump Meter" will now appear above your Armour defense. This Jump Meter will show you the amount of mid-air jumps your Moa can perform, and also how many are left before it can no longer jump. Thanks to Penumber for the idea.

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- Saddled Moas no longer wander around. They stay on the spot when you are not mounted on them.

- Ambrosium Shards now only heal "half a heart". We felt that Ambrosium was too powerful for such a common ore, thus the decision to decrease it's healing powers.

- Gravitite Ore is now much more common.

- Zanite Ore is now slightly less common.

- You can now press "B" on your keyboard to gain a Book of Lore for free. You will gain one according to the dimension you are in (for example, if you are in the Aether dimension you will gain a Book of Lore: Volume 3).

- Placing Lava in the Aether now freezes it into Aerogel.

- Books of Lore no longer appear in Dungeon chests.

- Aerogel no longer appears in Dungeon chests.

- Carved Stone no longer appears in Dungeon chests.

- Lightning Knives no longer appear in Dungeon chests in stacks higher than 16. This is so stacking is no longer screwed up (as the max stack for Lightning Knives is 16).

- When first entering the Aether in Minecraft, you will now gain a Cloud Parachute for free.

- If you hit the Bronze Boss with something other than a Pickaxe, it will now show a message which says "Hmm. Perhaps I should attack this beast with a Pickaxe?" so that new people understand they cannot attack it with other weapons.

- Enchanted Gravitite texture now changed, so as to save Sprite ID's.

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- The time taken for Baby Moas to digest their Aechor Petals has now been decreased.

- Life Shards now have a new sprite, to make them look more like "Shards" rather than heart containers.

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- Blue Aerclouds have a slightly new colour. It uses a more cyan-like colour now.

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Bug Fixes:

- Spawning issues have finally been fixed (Zephyrs and Aerwhales are now less common, and Aechor Plants more common. There are more adjustments, but too many to list).

- Cockatrices and Zephyrs now despawn when on Peaceful mode.

- Aerwhales and Zephyrs now despawn when stuck.

- Fixed the Glowstone Dust description in the Book of Lore: Volume 2.

- Fixed the Glowstone block description in the Book of Lore: Volume 2.

- Fixed the descriptions of some Obsidian items in the Book of Lore: Volume 3.

- Enchanting Golden Darts and Buckets of Poison now works as intended.

- Golden Swets now work correctly.

- Baby Moa's no longer lay eggs.

- You can now configure the spawn rate of Aether mobs in mod_Aether.cfg (/.minecraft/config/). 0 = no longer spawn.

- Aerwhales which were previously set on fire should no longer be in flames. They are also now immune to fire.

- Swets, Aerwhales and Zephyrs now despawn correctly, previously they would not despawn and prevent spawning of other creatures.

- Fixed a bug where Blue and Gold clouds were not generating into the world naturally. Newly explored areas or new Aether worlds will now generate with Blue and Gold clouds.

- Saddled Moas no longer despawn.

- From now on, beds which are placed in the Aether will not explode, and can be slept in as usual. Beds which have been placed prior to Patch V1.02 will still explode. To fix this, just recollect the bed and place it again.

- Bonemeal can now grow Skyroot saplings and Golden Oak saplings. You can also use it on Aether Grass to grow a group of White and Purple flowers.

- You can no longer move the Bronze Boss with the Hammer of Notch projectile.

- Fixed a bug where the initiating a fight with the Gold Boss would cause massive lag spikes.

- Fixed a bug where Black Moa's would only be able to perform 6 mid-air jumps instead of the intended 8 mid-air jumps.

- The Cloud Sentries which are spawned from the Cloud Staff dungeon reward no longer make human "hurt" sounds when damaged.

- Fixed an audio-related issue with Moas and Flying Pigs, where they would build up "step sounds" while flying, and would play them all at once when landing on the ground.

- Fixed a bug where Silver Dungeons were rarer than Gold Dungeons.

- Many more small bugs have been fixed, but there were too many for me to remember them or list them. I can assure you that the above fixes were the biggest.


- Added a new "Quicksoil Glass" block. Not only can it be used for building materials, but it also gives off a dim amount of light (and of course, speeds up mobs movement speed while in contact with them). They can be gained by enchanting Quicksoil.

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- Added a new "Zanite Block". This is a purely aesthetic block, for the purpose of storage and building materials. It can be crafted with 4 Zanite Gemstones. You can also craft the Zanite Block back into 4 Zanite Gemstones if you would like to regain them.

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- Added a new "White Flower" block. These are commonly generated flowers in the Aether. At the moment they are purely aesthetic, but will have crafting purposes in the future.

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- Added a new "Purple Flower" block. These are slightly rarer than White Flowers, and can be crafted into 2 Purple Dye items.

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- Added a new "Freezer" block. This new block was suggested by one of our fans on the Mantis bug/idea tracker. We thought it was a neat enough idea to implement. Basically, it works very similarly to the furnace in design. However, it uses Icestone as a fuel, and can be used to freeze various different items. For example: you can freeze water from water buckets into Ice blocks, or freeze Cold Aerclouds into Blue Aerclouds. Although there aren't many freezable items and blocks at this stage, the Freezer's use will be hugely expanded in future patches.

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- Added a new "Ice Ring and Ice Pendant". When worn, these accessories will freeze all water and lava around the player. They slowly degrade while worn, so they do not last forever. These accessories can be obtained by freezing Gold or Iron accessories with the new Freezer block. You CANNOT freeze Zanite accessories into Ice accessories, only Gold and Iron.

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- Added a new "Healing Stone" item. Heals 2 hearts of health, and is stackable. These items can be obtained by enchanting Holystone blocks with your Enchanter. This was implemented to balance out the issues with overpowered Ambrosium Shards.

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- Added four new craftable capes: "White, Blue, Red and Yellow". These capes can be crafted with their respective wool colour. Blue Capes can be crafted with any type of blue wool. These capes are purely aesthetic.

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- Added four new Dungeon Rewards. One of them is a Bronze Dungeon reward, and the other three are Silver Dungeon rewards.

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- Added a completely new "Main Menu" which is interchangable in-game and with the mod_Aether.cfg file. This menu, by default, has an "Aether Theme", with Aether-styled buttons and logos. It will also preview the last point you were located at in your previously played world. All progress made in the menu (time of day, etc) is not actually saved, so when you re-enter the world it will still be at the last point you played. This menu is highly configurable, though, and has a few neat features. We've added three new buttons on the top right hand corner of the screen: "Q" for Quick Load, "T" for Toggle Theme, and "W" for Toggle World. The Quick Load feature allows you to instantly jump into the world that the menu is currently previewing, without ANY loading times. The Toggle Theme feature allows you to switch between the "Classic" style of buttons and logos (which includes the Minecraft logo, etc), or the "Aether" style of buttons and logos. The Toggle World feature allows you to turn world previewing on or off. While world previewing is off, it will display a menu very similar in structure to the normal menu in Minecraft, but you still have the option to use the "Aether" styled buttons and logos with the Toggle Theme feature. However, the only way to use a particular menu by default, you have to configure the menu with mod_Aether.cfg, which can be found in /.minecraft/config/. By default, "aetherMenu = true" means that Minecraft will always load with the Aether styled buttons and logo. If you change that to "aetherMenu = false", your game will always load with Minecraft styled buttons and logos. Additionally, the default "worldMenu = true" means that your game will always preview your previously played world on start up. However, if you change that to "worldMenu = false", your game will always start up with the classic Minecraft menu in normal Minecraft.

Category: Mods | Views: 2163 | Added by: fearas38 | Tags: the ather | Rating: 5.0/1
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