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Home » 2011 » June » 19 » SURVIVALISM

VoodooFrog's Survivalism Mod

After what seems like ages of trial and error and late night coding sessions I have completed my first mod: Survivalism. 
The mod is designed to increase the challenge of the game as well as deepen immersion into the game world by simulating needs and limiting lives.


  • Hunger - Food isn't just for healing any more and as you get hungry you have less energy reserves.
  • Thirst - On top of hunger there is thirst which decreases faster than hunger and has a similar effect on energy.
  • Fatigue - You have a limited pool of energy to use up before becoming fatigued and slowed down. Rest, food and drink all help replenish your energy.
  • Lives - Lose them all and be locked out of your save
  • Hardcore Mode - For the really adventurous, activating hardcore mode means your save is deleted on death!
  • New Items - Waterskin for thirst, Energy Bar for fatigue regeneration and Soul Orbs for...
  • The Soul Shrine - A device created from Nether materials that can imbue a Soul Orb with energy and save your life!
  • Safe - This mod leaves existing worlds alone. In order to force enable it press CTRL + R. There is no disable key as a deliberate choice.
  • Game Modes - This mod adds 2 new game modes: Succession Single Player and Succession Multiplayer.

As I've said before the point of this mod is to increase immersion and provide extra challenge. When running the mod for the first time you'll notice a couple of new elements have been added to your screen:

Needs Indicators

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The top bar (represented by lightning bolts) is your energy. This decreases when you move, swing your arm, or jump and the rate of decrease is faster in water or when hungry or thirsty. The bar increases when you stop moving for a while including when crafting. Energy is completely replenished by sleeping.

The next bar down (represented by water drops) is your thirst. This decreases at a constant rate and lasts about about 1 1/2 in-game days by default. When at half, you will lose energy faster, at 5 faster still and at 1 will increase your energy loss by a factor of 3. When it's empty you will start taking damage.

The final bar (represented by apples) is your hunger. This decreases at a constant rate and lasts about about 2 in-game days by default. When at half, you will lose energy faster, at 5 faster still and at 1 will increase your energy loss by a factor of 3. When it's empty you will start taking damage. Cake does not replenish hunger (I'll be looking into it).

Lives Indicator

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The lives indicator (golden hearts) is fairly self explanatory. You start with 3 lives by default and lose one when you die. There is no way to regain lives lost but you can create and charge up Soul Orbs to take the hit when you die rather than your life pool. Of course, that means gathering materials from the dangerous Nether...

I heartily recommend activating Hardcore Mode (see configuration below) so that saves are deleted on death for the best experience but I can understand some might be hesitant to do so. When you are locked out of a save on death, if you really, really want to get back in you simple need to delete the "vf_survivalism.dat" from your save directory. You wuss:P


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4 x Leather
Gives you an empty waterskin which can then be filled in the same way as a bucket. Replenishes thirst and a small amount of fatigue on use and carries 5 uses worth of water. You cannot drink when you your thirst bar is full.

Energy Bar
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3 x Sugar, 3 x Wheat
Returns three energy bars that can be used to replenish a small amount of hunger but a lot of fatigue. Can be stacked in threes unlike other food items.

Soul Orb
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4 x Diamonds, 1 x Soul Sand
When charged in a Soul Shrine, the Soul Orb can prevent you from losing a life upon death. You only need to carry it in your inventory and it will be removed at point of death. Does not stack.

Soul Shrine
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4 x Netherack, 4 x Glowstone, 1 x Redstone Dust
The Soul Shrine is used to charge an empty Soul Orb with Redstone power.

Charging an Orb
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1 x Empty Soul Orb, 64 x Redstone Dust
Works like a furnace, but uses Redstone instead of convential fuels. Note that it takes a stack of 64 Redstone to activate a Soul Orb.


Requires Risugami's ModLoader
Requires Clintonxa's ModOptionsAPI

1) Locate your minecraft.jar file in "%APPDATA%/.minecraft/bin" and create a backup of it
2) Open minecraft.jar in an archive utility (7-Zip, WinRAR, etc.)
3) Delete the META-INF folder
5) Copy the contents of the downloaded mod zip file into the jar file replacing previous files

1) Locate your minecraft.jar file in "/home/<username>/.minecraft/bin" and create a backup of it
2) Open minecraft.jar in an archive utility (File Roller, Ark, etc.)
The rest of the steps are the same as Windows above

1) Locate your minecraft.jar file. in "<home>/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin" and create a backup of it
3) Rename minecraft.jar to minecraft.zip and extract it
4) Rename the resulting folder to minecraft.jar and open it
5) Copy the .class files from the downloaded mod zip into the minecraft.jar folder replacing previous files

Please report any issues you discover to this thread.


Most configuration is handled by going into the "Mod Options" sub-menu within the "Options" menu. In there you'll see a button for Survivalism and the options within are as follows:

Days Until Starving/Days Until Dehydrated: The amount of in-game days it takes before your hunger/thirst bars are empty
Fatigue Rate: The speed with which you lose energy
Rest Rate: The speed with which you regain energy

Within the "New World Options" submenu you can set your number of lives and what game mode you want to use when starting a new game. Note that these options are saved with the world so changing them in an existing game that already has these features will have no effect on them.

Should you need to enable debug mode or change item/block IDs then within the mods folder in .minecraft you'll find a folder named "Survivalism" and a file within that's called "settings.properties". You can edit to change the following:
ItemID_WaterskinFull=15001 //The item ID for a full waterskin
ItemID_EnergyBar=15002 //The item ID for an energy bar
BlockID_SoulShrineActive=241 //The block ID for an active Soul Shrine
BlockID_SoulShrineInactive=240//The block ID for an inactive Soul Shrine
ItemID_WaterskinEmpty=15000 //The item ID for an empty waterskin
ItemID_SoulOrbEmpty=15003 //The item ID for an empty Soul Orb
ItemID_SoulOrbFull=15004 //The item ID for a full Soul Orb
=false //Turns on debugging info so that variables can be watched


[Includes Specific Support|Known Compatible|Possible Issues|Incompatible}

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Category: Mods | Views: 2479 | Added by: fearas38 | Rating: 0.0/0
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