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Home » 2011 » November » 28 » Seasons Mod
Seasons Mod

Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Now on Minecraft! Minecraft 1.7.3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the Seasons Mod. A mod that adds the four seasons to Minecraft, each one with its own features(and danger!)The first version is just the basic stuff! Other things are being planned, like seasonal mobs and plants!
(The mod is almost entirely configurable. If you don't like one feature, it's likely you can disable it on the config file!)
Feedback will be nice! :D------------------------------------------------------------------------Downloads----------------------------------------------------------------------Lastest version: Seasons Mod - 1.34Required: ModLoader;ScotTools OR SAPI.

This mods edits the following core classes:kd.class - BiomeGenBasejh.class - ColorizerFoliage
So you need to put all the contents of the .rar inside your minecraft.jar! Placing the file on the ".minecraft/mods" folder will not work!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*-*-* GENERAL *-*-*
By default, each Season is 7 nights long(you can change each season length individually)*. The transition between seasons days are 00h30m*, 30 minecraft "minutes" after the default minecraft sleep.When you create a new world, or load a world without a season, that world will start in the middle* of a random* season.Most of the features are disabled on multiplayer, but it's recommended that you restart Minecraft if you log from a SP world to a MP world.
(Features marked with a * means that feature is configurable on the config file)
*-*-* GENERAL FEATURES *-*-** - Nerfed getting seeds from tallgrass. It's 250% harder(It's not that bad, really), but it balances out very well.
* - Will show an image when transitioning to a Season to another, to show what's the new one. It's non-invasive and fades away in some seconds.

*-*-* VIDEOS*-*-*Showcase by MinecraftScorpion:
Showcase/Tutorial by Alivejai:


*-*-* ITEMS *-*-*

The mod also adds two new items to Minecraft!
* Season Watch:Posted Image
Recipe: 2 gold bars, 2 iron bars and redstone dust.An item used to check in which Season you are. It spins counter-clockwise, and if they are perfectly aligned, the current season is the one on the right.
You can right-click it. It'll tell you the current Season, the current Season Day, and the days left on that season.

* Thermometer:Posted ImageRecipe: 3 iron bars, one block of glass and redstone dust.A neat item that shows the estimated temperature of the place that you are. It's affected* by the Winter and Summer seasons.
When right-clicked, will tell you the current biome and the temperature, in %.
(Please be aware that each xz has a different temperature, and it's not affected by lava, ice, or anything.)
Category: Mods | Views: 1938 | Added by: fearas38 | Rating: 0.0/0
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