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Home » 2012 » February » 28 » Dead Survival Island (Survival)
Dead Survival Island (Survival)

Rules and list of objectives -

1. Play on at least easy.
2. Do not leave the boundaries of the map, you'll know it when you see it.
(Mods are cool and what not, but i suggest playing vanilla for the full effect.)

1. Restore life back to the island (Completely spread the grass, raise forests, bring brack tall grass flowers and animals.)
2. Create atleast 1 of each colored wool.
3. Make a cobblestone generator!!!! (No, just kidding... that's retarded and is done to death in maps. But you can if you want to. :P)
4. Build a fancy pen and farm each type of animal. 
5. Build a fancy home.
6. Build a fancy Underground home.
7. Build an elaborate pumpkin farm. (Redstone, pistons... the works.)
8. Build an elaborate melon farm. (Redstone, pistons... the works.)
9. Build an elaborate wheat farm. (Redstone, pistons... the works.)
10. Build an elaborate sugar cane farm. (Redstone, pistons... the works.)
11. Build a mob trap (Should be simple, you'll know why.)
Possibly more to come.

Category: Maps | Views: 1193 | Added by: fearas38 | Rating: 3.5/2
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