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Home » 2011 » November » 14 » Castaway Island (Survival)
Castaway Island (Survival)

Download(link is dead):

Single Player (fixed Spawn)

This is main version of Castaway Island. You start you adventure aboard the Castaway Jet. All the new content is included in this download.


This version contains all the new content however the Castaway Jet has been removed for server spawning compatibility (I amworking on a server friendly version)

This WILL work with single player if you really wish, or are having issues with the live action introduction. It is the exact same map minus the starting event plane. You simply start on Challenge Island. If you want to have the Live Action Introduction on your server, there are detailed instructions on how to get it to work in the Install section of this forum post. If you are interested in starting a lets play, i strongly recommend trying to set the Live Action Introduction up as it makes for one hell for a video introduction. If you are concerned about completing it properly (some people skip things and just rush out the emergency exit 0_o) i have provided a detailed informational walkthrough to get the most out of the experience for filming purposes In FAQ section on this forum post.

New Content Start [Exclusive]

This unique download has been put together for those of you who want to enjoy the New Content but have already played through the majority of the old stuff and don't feel like redoing your entire Castaway Island buildings. This version starts you out the front of the Great Oak and allows you to jump straight into the Major part of the New Content, the Vita Aurea Caverns. As this is the more Endgame part of the content (don't worry... Minecraft never ends!) It will be very challenging intialy. I have designed it this way... As before i suggest your explore the initial island for anything useful before heading down into the [SPOILER REMOVED]
Category: Maps | Views: 11180 | Added by: fearas38 | Rating: 4.7/3
Total comments: 4
4 fearas38  
0 Spam
Yes link is dead, but your link work biggrin Thx

1 Spam
Yeah, I need a new link. heard about http://www.mediafire.com/?8bn2pd2t7bdsbz8 but havn't tried it...
Seems fake i hear but IDK.

2 zeteny  
0 Spam
:p :p :p :p Creeper Cry :o :( :) U- t U-- t U Creeper

1 Tropical Survivor  
1 Spam
Can Someone please tell me where to get this map? megaupload got killed and the author hasen't re-uploaded it.

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