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Home » 2011 » June » 16 » RandomMobs
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Hi everyone, I'm here to present you our very first mod. 

Tired of seeing always the same cows, pigs, chickens and zombies ? You installed a texture pack, yet seeing always twins seems kinda strange... Then Randomobs is for you ! *insert radiphonic jingle here*

Randomobs 2.3
By Balthichou, Plüm and Anthony3597 !

So, to be simple : this mod will force the game to pick a random texture for the mobs between several ones : pigs, chickens, skeletons, zombies, every mobs. Without this mod, there were only one cow race in your game ; now, there'll be up to fifty ! 
Those are not different mobs, just elaborated reskins ; I only changed a single class file for each mob, so that each mob you encounter will be different. 
And more of all, it's totally customizable ! 

I'll keep it updated, so stay tuned ! And if you have any suggestion, go on, after all it's our first mod.
Support from modders :

Requirements :
Minecraft 1.4_01, 1.5_01 or 1.6.6.
PReader by Roundaround (included in the mod).

Installation : 
1. Locate your minecraft bin. There are tons of tutorials about this around.
2. Delete the META-INF folder in your minecraft.jar, if it exists.
3. Put the class files you just downloaded into you minecraft.jar, erasing those which were already here.
4. Put the textures into the corresponding mob's folder in your minecraft.jar.
5. Run Minecraft, and enjoy.
Note : On some computers, a "macosx" or "DS_Store" file appears : it's because I work on Mac OS X. They are trash files, you can delete them without any problems ; all you need are the class files and the textures.

Incoming features :
  • Anthony is working on Biome adaptable mobs and Ghasts and Wolves fixing.
  • Extras textures pack of strange/funky/robotic skins for the mobs (will be add to the Randomobs Texture Tradetopic).
  • Maybe work on a custom server mod (SMP)... (NOT SURE)
  • Plüm proposed to "randomize" the character's skin so as to make it biome adaptable (down jacket in tundra, turban or sunglasses in desert, chaperon in forest, etc). (NOT SURE)
  • We have other projects, but we won't tell everything right now, like randomizing blocks and ores... !

Conflicts :
Modloader isn't needed, but they're entierly compatible.
This mod shouldn't conflict with Mo' Creatures neither Baby Animals or any mobs mods. If you ever run accross a problem, could you please signal it ?
Modified class files :
  • Cows : bv.class.
  • Pigs : vz.class.
  • Sheeps : dj.class.
  • Chicken : wn.class.
  • Squids : xk.class.
  • Zombies : ur.class.
  • Skeletons : fp.class.
  • Creepers : fz.class.
  • Spiders : cl.class.
  • Slimes : up.class.
  • Pigzombies : xr.class.

Known issues and bugs :
  • If you were using Randomobs 2.1 and you updated to 2.2, then already poped mobs will turn invisible. Just kill them, and it will work fine !
  • The first time you use this mod on an already existing world, all already spawned mobs will get a white texture. Just go on a rampage, and newly spawned mobs will be alright.


The download link seems broken :
Empty your cache, delete your cookies, then try again.

I got a black screen :
Make sure you deleted the META-INF, and that you took the good version of Randomobs, fitting your Minecraft version.

All the mobs have a strange white texture :
The game refers to non-installed texture. Make sure you have installed all the textures in the mob folder. If it's right, make sure that the PReader file doesn't refer to more textures than there are in the mob folder. Simply, you might have launched the game on an already existing world : just kill the white mobs, and newly spawned ones should be alright.

I only want the pigs :
You may not want every features of this mob : if so, it's quite simple. Don't install the texture and class files of mobs you don't want to randomize (see "Conflicts").

What do I do with the src folder :
It's for modders. If you don't plan to mod using Randomobs, just delete it.

How to change the skins ? Add some ? Delete others ?
The first time you run the game with the mod, it creates in the "mods" folder of your .minecraft a "randomob" folder, which will contain a "RandoMob.properties" file. Open it with a text editor, it should contain this :

Zombie Variations = 22
The number of zombie variations the game will use.
Skeleton Variations = 14
The number of skeleton variations the game will use.
Spider Variations = 12
The number of spider variations the game will use.
Creeper Variations = 17
The number of creeper variations the game will use.
Slime Variations = 7
The number of slime variations the game will use.
Pig Variations = 15
The number of pig variations the game will use.
Sheep Variations = 12
The number of sheep variations the game will use.
Squid Variations = 7
The number of squid variations the game will use.
Cow Variations = 12
The number of cow variations the game will use.
Chicken Variations = 7
The number of chicken variations the game will use.

I'll take an exemple, the pigs. "Pig Variations : 15" means that the game will use for the pigs the 15 first textures of pigs you put in the mob folder : pig.png, pig2.png... pig15.png. 
If you edit RandoMobs.properties (with the notepad on Windows, and TextEdit on OS X), you can control how many variations of each mob you want.

Replace a texture : It's easy, just rename your texture by the name of the one you want to replace. If you don't want pig3.png and have a better texture for it, rename your own one "pig3.png" and put it into the mob folder.

Add a texture : It's easy too. Imagine you have five more textures for the pig. Name them pig16.png, pig17.png, pig18.png, pig19.png and pig20.png. Now, put them into the mob folder. And last but not least, edit the RandoMobs.properties so that it's written : "Pig Variations : 20".

Delete a texture : Alright, you tried it, but you really don't like this pig3.png, and you have no texture to replace it. So, what do you do ? Well, edit the RandoMobs.properties to put "Pig Variations : 14", delete the pig3.png from your mob folder, and rename, for instance, pig15.png to pig3.png, so there is no "hole" in the list.

Credits : 
  • Balthichou (me, yeah !) for the original idea, the skins, and parts the code.
  • Plüm for banners, graphics, and most of the skins.
  • Anthony3597 for the recompiling of some rebel files, assisting me coding, making the PReader part...
  • All the other moders who helped, Kamren28 and OgreSean Builder's Mod for the random skin code part, the members of the #risucraft IRC channel for their good advices, Roundaround whom we included PReader... And Cybrbeast, Foxy1990 and MadTortle for their videos of the mod !

Versions history :
  • 2.3 : Compatibility update, now works with Minecraft 1.6.6.
  • 2.2_01 : Fixed a bug occuring when using Crystalclear Water, due to an outdated version of PReader.
  • 2.2 : The mobs won't re-randomize their skins each time you load a game. Fixed a small bugs about the Pigzombies too.
  • 2.1 : Added compatibility to 1.5_01 !
  • 2.0_2 : Fixed the sheeps one and for all. Fixed some ugly textures, added a readme.
  • 2.0_1 : Fixed the sheep glitch. Removed the ghasts until we fix them. Fixed some ugly textures.
  • 2.0 : Added 11 pigzombies, 7 ghasts and the PReader file.
  • 1.7 : Added 7 slimes and 12 spiders.
  • 1.6 : Added 17 creepers.
  • 1.5 : Added 14 sheeps, 7 squids and 14 skeletons.
  • 1.4 : Added 15 pigs, and skeletons and squids textures.
  • 1.3 : Added 22 zombies.
  • 1.2 : Added 7 chickens, and pigs and sheeps textures (yet not working).
  • 1.1 : Added 4 cows. 1.4_01 compatible.
  • 1.0 : initial release, 8 cows.

Download : HERE

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