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Home » 2011 » June » 11 » Minecraft Skin Upload
Minecraft Skin Upload
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Always wanted yourself a working skin, that anyone on your server can see? Tried Mineshafter, but releazed that it's too hard for you? 
So here's the answer for you! Code your own SUPER-EASY mod for Minecraft, that allows you and your friends upload own skin to site you want!

Download for SGTMine server uploader Beta (1.6.6): Windows and Linux (WOW! Already 25 users!?)
Your friend must have the mod to see your skin!

How to get:
Lazy way (without coding):
1. Download mod.
2. Go to %appdata%\.minecraft\bin
3. Open minecraft.jar with WinRAR or similar program.
4. Delete META-INF folder
5. Move downloaded .class files to minecraft.jar
(Next stages are about installing a skin for yourself)
6. Go to Official Denikson's SkinUpload Mod's Page
(Changing to english support soon, sorry :))
7. Click Register button and enter:
- Minecraft name that you use (it will be your login to this page)
- Password
- Password confirm
7.1 Click "Rekisteröity" (Register) button.
8. When new page appear with text "Login Sucsess", click "Kirjaudu sisään" (Login) link.
9. Enter your username and password and click "Kirjaudu sisään" button.
10. After you logged in, page will take you to SkinUpload.
11. Ignore text and click "Browse" at the "Tiedoston nimi" (Skin directory) field.
12. Locate your skin and click "Lähetä" (Send) button.
13. Page will change and some text will be added at the bottom. Ignore it.
14. Go to Minecraft and test.

Coders way (SUPER-EASY):
1. Setup MCP. Instruction for that you can find at their page: http://mcp.ocean-lab...x.php/Main_Page
Decompiling tutorial you will find in MCP when you download it and run decompile.bat
2. Setup your own website. For example at www.azok.org
3. Get Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
4. Set Eclipse up. Instrucitons: http://mcp.ocean-lab...8alternative%29
5. In Eclipse, locate those classes:

They are found in minecraft.net.src table
6. Locate this piece of code in both of classes:
skinUrl = (new StringBuilder()).append("http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftSkins/").append(s).append(".png").toString();

And change link to your own site. Example:
skinUrl = (new StringBuilder()).append("http://www.sgtmine.azok.org/MinecraftSkins/").append(s).append(".png").toString();

7. Save, recompile and reobfuscate.
8. You can find modded classes in reobf\minecraft folder.
9. Install mod and check if Minecraft sitll works.
10. Give mod to your friends and upload skins!

Setup own upload page on site:
1. Get site that got the PHP feature.
2. Download ready uploading page here.
3. Insert it to same page, where the index.html or index.php is.
4. Edit premade page if needed.

If this all is TOO difficult to you, or you don't like it, get Mineshafter at http://mineshafter.appspot.com/ 

Category: Text | Views: 4009 | Added by: fearas38 | Rating: 0.0/0
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